
IT Consulting & Advisory

Guide your business towards a technologically prosperous future. Tap into our extensive experience and knowledge pool to revolutionize your tech ventures.

Why Choose IT Consulting & Advisory?

With every technological stride we help you make, the underlying aim remains the same: delivering tangible business value. Whether it’s about cost savings, operational efficiency, or tapping into new revenue streams, our recommendations are rooted in driving your growth.

Insightful Guidance

Our vast industry experience brings unparalleled IT strategy insights, ensuring your technological endeavors align perfectly with your organizational goals.

Risk Mitigation

We don’t just plan for the present. Our forward-thinking approach ensures your IT strategies stand resilient in the face of potential future challenges.

Custom Solutions

Every organization has its nuances. Our consultative approach delves deep into these specificities, ensuring a bespoke solution crafted meticulously for you.


Smart IT investments mean optimizing resources. We aid in ensuring you get the maximum bang for your buck without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

Your Trusted IT Partner with 25+ Years of Experience

Our commitment reflects in our long-term relationships and the trust clients place in us, stemming from consistently delivering solutions that transcend expectations.

Solution-Centric Approach

Each solution we provide is tailored to address your unique challenges. By understanding your organization's vision, we ensure that our solutions drive your business forward.

Unparalleled Expertise

Our team remains at the forefront of IT advancements. This commitment ensures our solutions are always cutting-edge, keeping our clients competitive.

International Standards

With a vast global network, we bring world-class IT technologies, talent, trends and insights to you. Our reach guarantees projects infused with international standards yet tailored to local needs.

Rich Legacy

For years, we've guided diverse businesses to IT success. Our vast experience enables us to cater to various industry requirements with precision.

Charting Your Path to Technological Excellence

In the ever-evolving digital era, navigating the intricacies of IT becomes both a challenge and an opportunity. At the crossroads of innovation and business strategy, IT Consulting & Advisory services stand as guiding lights, ensuring organizations are always aligned with their technological aspirations.

The realm of IT is vast, encompassing everything from emerging technologies to foundational IT infrastructures. Organizations often find themselves at crossroads, unsure of which technological path to embark upon. Our IT Consulting & Advisory services bridge this gap, offering expertise and guidance, ensuring that every IT decision made is strategic, beneficial, and future-proof.

1. Strategic IT Consulting

Service Insight: 

Navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape with a partner who understands both the big picture and the minute intricacies. Chart a tech journey that aligns with your business strategies.

Service Beneficiaries:

Businesses looking to align their tech strategies with business objectives.

Service Time:

2-5 months based on company size and objectives.

2. Emerging Tech Consulting

Service Insight: 

As the technological landscape evolves, it’s paramount to stay ahead. Our team delves into emerging tech landscapes like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation, AR, VR, and Quantum Computing.

Service Beneficiaries:

Businesses aiming to adopt and harness emerging technologies.

Service Time:

4-9 months, based on the technology’s scope and application.

3. Software Optimization Consulting

Service Insight: 

Over time, software can become redundant, misaligned, or create operational inefficiencies. Our team assesses your software assets, identifies areas of improvement, and offers actionable insights to enhance performance and user satisfaction.

Service Beneficiaries:

Businesses looking to enhance their existing software’s efficiency and utility.

Service Time:

2-6 months depending on software complexity.

4. IT Process & Workflow Consulting

Service Insight: 

A well-optimized workflow ensures peak performance and seamless operations. We analyze, design, and refine IT processes and workflows to promote operational excellence.

Service Beneficiaries:

Companies aiming to improve their IT-related processes and workflows.

Service Time:

 2-5 months, based on the depth of refinement needed.

5. Cybersecurity Consulting

Service Insight: 

In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity is paramount. Our specialists will assess your current security infrastructure, identify vulnerabilities, and provide strategies to fortify against potential threats.

Service Beneficiaries:

Every business that utilizes digital assets and wants to ensure their data’s security.

Service Time:

 3-7 months, varying based on the existing security infrastructure and enhancement requirements.

6. Data and Analytics Consulting

Service Insight: 

Data is the new gold, but only if it’s harnessed correctly. Dive deep into the oceans of your data, extract meaningful insights, and use them to drive strategic decision-making.

Service Beneficiaries:

Businesses looking to harness the power of data for strategic advantages.

Service Time:

3-8 months, depending on the volume and complexity of the data.

7. Cloud Consulting

Service Insight: 

The cloud is revolutionizing how businesses operate. Whether you’re looking to migrate to the cloud or optimize your current cloud infrastructure, we’re here to guide you through every step.

Service Beneficiaries:

Businesses aiming to migrate to or optimize their presence on the cloud.

Service Time:

3-9 months, depending on the specifics of the cloud project.

8. IT Infrastructure Planning

Service Insight: 

The foundation of any successful digital enterprise lies in its IT infrastructure. We offer comprehensive solutions, from initial planning to implementation, ensuring a resilient and scalable IT backbone.

Service Beneficiaries:

Organizations aiming to revamp, expand, or establish a reliable IT infrastructure.

Service Time:

4-8 weeks, contingent on the scale and specifics of the infrastructure project.

9. Business Intelligence & Analytics Consulting

Service Insight: 

Harness the power of data to make informed business decisions. Our service helps organizations implement robust BI tools, extract actionable insights, and drive data-driven strategies.

Service Beneficiaries:

Businesses looking to leverage data for strategic advantage.

Service Time:

3-6 months, depending on the depth and breadth of data analytics required.

10. Enterprise Architecture Consulting

Service Insight: 

Synchronize your IT and business strategies. We help in designing and implementing an enterprise architecture that supports business goals while ensuring technology efficiency and scalability.

Service Beneficiaries:

Large-scale businesses and enterprises undergoing growth or technological shifts.

Service Time:

5-9 weeks, subject to the size and nature of the enterprise.

11. User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI) Consulting

Service Insight: 

A seamless user experience can be the key differentiator for digital products. We guide businesses in optimizing and refining the UX & UI of their digital platforms for maximum user engagement.

Service Beneficiaries:

Any business with a digital presence, from web to mobile applications.

Service Time:

4-7 weeks, depending on the scale and complexity of the UX/UI project.

12. Regulatory & Compliance Consulting

Service Insight: 

With global IT regulations constantly evolving, staying compliant is paramount. Our consultants offer guidance on understanding, implementing, and adhering to IT-related regulatory standards.

Service Beneficiaries:

Particularly beneficial for organizations in regulated industries or those planning to expand globally.

Service Time:

3-6 months, dependent on the specific regulatory landscape of the industry.

Can't find your desired service here?

We understand that each business has unique challenges and requirements, we strive to cater to every specific need. If you haven’t found exactly what you’re looking for within our list of managed services, don’t be discouraged. We’re happy to tailor our expertise to your specific needs and demands.

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Our award winning
development process

Embarking on a digital transformation journey might seem overwhelming, but with our award winning agile process, the path to success becomes clear and quantified.

Step 1: Discovery and Analysis

We start by diving deep into your business to understand your goals, challenges, and opportunities. Our experts conduct a comprehensive analysis, identifying areas where digital solutions can create transformative impact.

Step 2: Tailored Strategy

Every business is unique. Our team crafts a tailored digital strategy aligned with your objectives. We design a roadmap that leverages the latest technologies to propel your business forward.

Step 3: Implementation

With the strategy in place, our skilled developers and engineers bring your vision to life. We build robust and scalable solutions that optimize processes, enhance user experiences, and drive efficiency across your operations.

Step 4: Seamless Integration

Transitioning to a better digital shouldn't disrupt your operations. Our integration specialists ensure that new systems seamlessly blend with your existing infrastructure, minimizing disruptions and maximizing ROI.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

Digital transformation is an ongoing journey. We monitor performance, gather feedback, and iterate on solutions to ensure they remain aligned with your evolving needs and SLAs.

Step 6: Future Envisioning and Planning

Anticipating future trends is essential. We will help you envision the next steps after successful implementation by exploring emerging technologies and possibilities. We will plan for the future, ensuring your digital ecosystem remains innovative and adaptable.

Our Technology Stacks

We are primarily stack agnostic and work with tech stacks based on the needs and landscape of our partners. Noted below are some of our most common stacks.

Whizkey's Expertise in FrontEnd Stack AngularJS
Whizkey's Expertise in FrontEnd Stack Javascript
Whizkey's Expertise in FrontEnd Stack React
Whizkey's Expertise in FrontEnd Stack Bootstrap
Whizkey's Expertise in FrontEnd Stack Vuejs
Whizkey's Expertise in Backend Stack NodeJS
Whizkey's Expertise in Backend Stack Java
Whizkey's Expertise in Backend Stack expressJS
Whizkey's Expertise in Backend Stack Python
Whizkey's Expertise in Backend Stack Spring
Whizkey's Expertise in Backend Stack Go
Project Management
Whizkey's Expertise in Project Management Tool Jira
Whizkey's Expertise in Project Management Tool Confluence
Whizkey's Expertise in Project Management Tool Asana
Whizkey's Expertise in Project Management Tool Trello
Whizkey's Expertise in Project Management Tool Microsoft Projects
Big Data
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool kafka
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool Amazon Elasticache
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool & Database Stack mongoDB
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool Amazon DocumentDB
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool & Database Stack PostgreSQL
Mobile App Development
Whizkey's Expertise in Mobile App Development Stack Swift
Whizkey's Expertise in Mobile App Development Stack ionic
Whizkey's Expertise in Mobile App Development Stack Kotlin
Whizkey's Expertise in Mobile App Development Stack Flutter
Whizkey's Expertise in Mobile App Development Stack Xcode
Whizkey's Expertise in Database Stack MySQL
Whizkeys Expertise in Database Stack Amazon Web Services AWS
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool & Database Stack mongoDB
Whizkey's Expertise in Big Data Tool & Database Stack PostgreSQL
Whizkey's Expertise in Database Stack SAP S/4 HANA
Cloud Servers
Whizkey's Expertise in Cloud on Amazon Web Services
Whizkey's Expertise in Cloud on Google Cloud
Whizkey's Expertise in Cloud on Microsoft Azure
Whizkey's Expertise in Cloud on IBM Cloud
Whizkey's Expertise in Cloud on Oracle Cloud
Whizkey's Expertise in Serverless on AWS Lambda
Whizkey's Expertise in Serverless on Azure Functions
Whizkey's Expertise in Serverless on Google Cloud Functions
AI Stack - Deep Learning Frameworks
Whizkey's Expertise in Deep Learning AI Stack PyTorch
Whizkey's Expertise in Deep Learning AI Stack Caffe2
Whizkey's Expertise in Deep Learning AI Stack Nvidia
Whizkey's Expertise in Deep Learning AI Stack Chainer
Whizkey's Expertise in Deep Learning AI Stack Theano
Whizkey's Expertise in Deep Learning AI Stack mxnet
AI Stack - Toolkits & Modules
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Toolkits & Modules Kurento
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Toolkits & Modules Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Toolkits & Modules CoreML
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Toolkits & Modules Keras
AI Stack - Libraries
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Libraries Stack OpenNN
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Libraries Stack TensorFlow
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Libraries Stack Sonnet
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Libraries Stack Neuroph
AI Stack - Large Language Models
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Large Language Models LLM Stack GPT4
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Large Language Models LLM Stack LLaMA
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Large Language Models LLM Stack PaLM 2
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Large Language Models LLM Stack Claude
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Large Language Models LLM Stack Bard AI
Whizkey's Expertise in AI Large Language Models LLM Stack Stable Diffusion
AI Stack - Image Classification Models
AI Stack - Generative AI Models
Generative Adversarial Networks
Transformer Models
AI Stack - Algorithms
Supervised & Unsupervised Learning
Metric Learning
Fewshot Learning
Ensemble Learning
Online Learning
AI Stack - Neural Networks
Representation Learning
Manifold Learning
Variational Autoencoders
Bayesian Network
Autoregressive Networks
Robotic Process Automation
Whizkey's Expertise in Robotic Process Automation RPA UiPath
Whizkey's Expertise in Robotic Process Automation RPA blueprism
Whizkey's Expertise in Robotic Process Automation RPA KOFAX
Whizkey's Expertise in Robotic Process Automation RPA Automation Anywhere
Whizkey's Expertise in Robotic Process Automation RPA Pega
Whizkey's Expertise in Robotic Process Automation RPA OpenConnect
Blockchain - Development Platforms
Whizkey's Expertise in Blockchain Development Platform Ethereum
Whizkey's Expertise in Blockchain Development Platform Hyperledger
Whizkey's Expertise in Blockchain Development Platform Parity Substrate
Whizkey's Expertise in Blockchain Development Platform Avalanche
Whizkey's Expertise in Blockchain Development Platform Polkadot
Whizkey's Expertise in Blockchain Development Platform Tezos
Whizkey's Expertise in DevOps on kubernetes
Whizkey's Expertise in DevOps on Jenkins
Whizkey's Expertise in DevOps on Chef
Whizkey Expertise in DevOps on Maven
Whizkey's Expertise in DevOps on Dockers

Frequently Asked Questions

Our consultancy stands apart due to our holistic approach, depth of expertise, and a keen focus on delivering tangible business value tailored to each client’s specific needs.

Duration varies based on the specific service and client’s requirements, typically ranging from 2-15 months.

No, our team will guide you through the entire process, ensuring understanding at every step

It varies based on industry trends and specific business needs. After a thorough assessment, we recommend the most relevant emerging tech.

Data and analytics provide insights into operations, customer behavior, and industry trends, enabling smarter decision-making and strategic planning.

We adhere to strict data security protocols, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of all client data.

Yes, our commitment extends beyond just consulting including any subsequent development, enhancement and maintenance activities. We offer post-consultancy support to ensure effective implementation and results.

Absolutely. We can integrate multiple consultancy services to provide a comprehensive IT strategy tailored to your needs.

Yes, our consultancy services extend to assisting with vendor selection, ensuring alignment with business requirements, and negotiating the best terms.

We always strive for excellence, but if solutions don’t match expectations, we re-evaluate and adjust strategies to better align with the desired outcomes.

What clients say about us?

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What happens next?


We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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