Artificial Intelligence, E-Commerce, Payment Gateway Integration, Website Development

PrintBoho – eCommerce Website

About The Company

PrintBoho, a prominent company in the art industry, specializes in digital collectibles and artwork with a Boho theme. They approached Whizkey, a custom software development company, seeking to build a robust ecommerce website to sell their digital products and integrate a payment gateway for seamless transactions.


Increase in Annual Revenue


Digital Art Sales


Unique Monthly Website Users


Happy Customers


Reduction in Cart Abandonment

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Introducing PrintBoho - A Marvel in E-Commerce Websites

The Challenge?

Our client encountered significant challenges in its journey. Their primary hurdle was the lack of technical expertise, as their team excelled in digital art but struggled with complex website development and payment gateway integration. Additionally, in a highly competitive e-commerce landscape, PrintBoho needed a distinctive, user-friendly platform to attract a niche audience interested in Boho-themed digital art. Content security and the need for scalable solutions also posed crucial concerns as they aimed to protect their digital assets and handle growing business demands.

Limited Technical Expertise

PrintBoho's core competency lies in creating captivating digital art, not in website development. Their team lacked the technical expertise required to build a sophisticated ecommerce platform with payment gateway integration. This knowledge gap posed a significant hurdle to their digital business ambitions.

Content Security

Protecting their digital art assets from unauthorized downloads and sharing was a paramount concern. Ensuring that their digital collectibles remained secure and inaccessible to unauthorized users posed a complex challenge.

Ecommerce Competition

PrintBoho faced stiff competition in the crowded ecommerce landscape. To succeed, they needed to differentiate themselves by offering a unique and user-friendly platform that would not only attract but also retain a niche audience passionate about Boho-themed digital art.


As PrintBoho's business grew, they needed a scalable solution that could handle an increasing volume of digital art sales and website traffic. Ensuring smooth scalability without compromising performance was a critical challenge.

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PrintBoho - A Beautiful yet Functional Sales Superstar

The WhizKey Solution?

At WhizKey, we tailored a solution to meet PrintBoho’s specific needs. We developed an intuitive ecommerce platform with seamless payment gateway integration, empowering PrintBoho to concentrate on their digital art creations. Our collaborative effort also addressed content security and scalability concerns, ensuring PrintBoho’s competitiveness in the market and efficient management of their digital business operations.

Custom Website Development

We employed a combo of technologies, including known eCommerce Platforms and Python for backend development and HTML/CSS/JavaScript for frontend, to create a visually appealing and responsive ecommerce website. The website was designed with a Boho aesthetic in mind, enhancing the user experience.

Mobile Optimization

Recognizing the importance of mobile users for this ecommerce platform, We developed a mobile-responsive website optimized with CSS/JS, enabling PrintBoho to reach a broader audience.

Payment Gateway Integration

WhizKey seamlessly integrated two secure payment gateways namely Stripe & Paypal, ensuring smooth and secure transactions. We used a combination of technologies such as minified JSS for faster processing of customer orders and subsequent deliverables

AI-Powered Recommendations

To enhance user engagement and sales, we implemented Artificial Intelligence algorithms that provided personalized art recommendations to customers based on their preferences and purchase history.

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PrintBoho - Seamless Across All Devices, All Platforms, All Experiences

Results and Benefits?

Our collaboration with PrintBoho ushered in a wave of positive changes for them. These included a revenue boost exceeding 31,010% from the first quarter, improved interactions with over 100,000+ unique monthly visitors, higher customer satisfaction with over 3,000 delighted customers, and a 50% reduction in cart abandonment rates. These tangible outcomes reflect the impactful transformation of PrintBoho’s digital business, with our partnership.

Increased Revenue

The new ecommerce platform boosted PrintBoho's sales by 30,010% from the first quarter itself. With a user-friendly interface, customers found it easier to browse, select, and purchase digital art, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Improved Operational Efficiency

PrintBoho's team could focus on creating art, while WhizKey managed the technical aspects. This led to greater operational efficiency and reduced overhead costs.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

AI-powered recommendations led to increased customer engagement, as users discovered new artwork aligned with their interests. This personalized approach increased customer engagement to over 100,000 unique customer visits per month.

Secure Transactions

The integrated payment gateway provided a secure and seamless payment experience, increasing customer trust and reducing cart abandonment rates by over 50%.

The technologies we used to build this product - PrintBoho


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