App develoment, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, IT Consulting, Mobile development, Virtual Reality

Smart360 – AR/VR Real Estate App

Industry:Real Estate
About The Company

In the highly competitive world of real estate management, providing customers with a superior and immersive experience is paramount. A prominent company in the real estate management sector was facing challenges in quickly presenting properties for booking and reservation to clients. The traditional methods were time-consuming, lacked interactive elements, and required physical presence for property tours, limiting the number of prospects reached.


Annual hours saved for the business


Increase in property bookings and reservations


Reduction in time taken for client onboarding


Increase in Leads by Interactive Virtual Tours


Faster decision-making processes observed 

Introducing Smart 360 - A Revolutionary AR/VR Tour & Booking Solution

The Challenge?

In the dynamically changing landscape of the real estate sector, traditional methods of property showcasing were becoming increasingly obsolete. These methods failed to meet the accelerated demands of clients, especially in an era where digital interactions have become the norm. Potential clients were seeking swift, immersive, and detailed insights into properties without the constraints of physical visits or device limitations. The prevalent processes in place were not equipped to cater to these modern requirements, leading to lost opportunities and inefficiencies for the real estate management company.

Slow Speeds

The client was facing limited ability to provide quick property showings without a physical visit

Inefficient Processes

Inefficient process of onboarding clients, collecting KYC, and scheduling meetings.

Limited Customer Engagement

Limited customer engagement due to the lack of immersive property viewing experiences

Weaker Sales

Inability to showcase properties in detail, leading to prolonged decision-making processes for potential clients.

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Smart 360 - A Comprehensive Solution with Smart Dashboards

The WhizKey Solution?

In light of the discerned challenges, it became imperative to devise a system that would redefine the realm of real estate showcasing. We thus conceptualized and brought to life the Smart 360 system—a paradigm shift in property presentation. At the heart of this transformation was the amalgamation of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Website Development, Smart Dashboards, Artificial Intelligence, Ecommerce, and Payment Gateway Integration. This convergence not only addressed the existing challenges but also paved the way for a seamless, engaging, and efficient user experience. Our intent was to harmonize technology with user needs, ensuring that potential clients could navigate, interact, and transact with ease, all under one unified platform.

AR & VR Integration

Offering immersive virtual tours, our AR & VR system lets users explore properties interactively. Device-agnostic design ensures broad access, eliminating the need for costly equipment.

Ecommerce Integration

Streamlining the buyer's journey, our Ecommerce integration lets users instantly reserve or book post-tour. This bridges the gap from viewing to purchasing, enhancing user convenience.

Dashboards & AI Assistant

With integrated dashboards and AI, client onboarding is efficient. The AI assists in swift KYC collection and team meeting scheduling, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Robust Payment Gateway

Prioritizing secure transactions, our integrated payment gateway provides versatile payment options. This ensures user trust, promoting seamless and safe transactions.

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Smart 360 - A Fusion of Bleeding Edge Cognitive Technologies

Results and Benefits?

Upon the successful implementation of the Smart 360 system, the landscape of property showcasing underwent a significant transformation. The fruits of our collaboration with our client company were immediately evident. By integrating modern technologies and streamlining processes, we didn’t just resolve existing challenges — we set a new benchmark in client experience and operational efficiency in the real estate sector.

Enhanced Client Engagement

The immersive AR & VR tours led to a marked increase in client interaction. The viewing experience captivated and engaged potential buyers more effectively.

Efficient Onboarding & KYC

Automated processes streamlined client onboarding. The integrated AI ensured swift and accurate KYC collection, enhancing operational speed.

Increased Bookings & Reservations

The virtual tours, detailed and swift, led to a noticeable rise in property bookings. Users could make decisions promptly post-tour, optimizing the conversion rate.

Satisfaction & Broader Outreach

Our device-agnostic solution meant wider access without high-end gear, leading to greater user satisfaction and expanded outreach.

The technologies we used to build this product - Smart 360


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We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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