App develoment, Artificial Intelligence, Digital transformation, Mobile development

Ace – Gamified Legal Chatbot

Industry:Government, Utilities
About The Company

A prominent utilities company frequently found its legal team bombarded with inquiries related to patenting, trademarking, copyrighting, and other similar topics. The overwhelming number of these questions hindered their daily operations and rendered them less efficient in addressing other critical tasks.


Annual hours saved by the legal team 


Reduction in inquiries to the legal team


Consistent content accuracy provided by Ace


Increase in employee understanding of IPR


Increase in employee engagement for IPR

Introducing Ace - A New Era of Gamified Employee Learning

The Challenge?

A leading utilities company grappled with a flood of inquiries concerning intellectual property rights, leading to an overburdened legal team. This volume of questions resulted in inconsistent information delivery to inquirers. Additionally, the company lacked mechanisms to track real-time metrics or quickly relay updates in legal frameworks and policies to all employees.

Volume of Inquiries

The sheer number of inquiries from employees regarding intellectual property rights often overburdened the legal team.

Inconsistent Responses

Due to different legal team members responding to inquiries, there was an inconsistency in the information relayed to inquirers.

Lack of Real-Time Metrics

The company was unable to measure the success or impact of their responses, as they did not have a mechanism in place to gather metrics related to the inquiries.

Time-Intensive Knowledge Transfer

The ever-changing nature of legal frameworks and company policies made it hard for the legal team to keep all employees updated.

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Ace - Setting the Industry Standard for Cognitive-Powered Interactive Education

The WhizKey Solution?

To address these challenges, we developed “Ace,” a gamified informational chatbot armed with extensive company policy and legal knowledge. Ace offered interactive games for easier comprehension of legal concepts and a retraining module for real-time information updates. Furthermore, we integrated Ace with the company’s legal CRM system, providing instant metrics on its effectiveness and usage.

Increased Efficiency

Employees now had an immediate and consistent source of information, allowing the legal team to focus on more pressing tasks.

Enhanced Employee Knowledge

The gamified approach led to better retention and understanding of legal concepts among employees.

Unified Responses

With Ace serving as the primary source of information, the company ensured that employees received consistent and accurate responses.

Real-Time Tracking

The integration with the legal CRM provided management with real-time insights into the bot's performance and effectiveness.

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Ace - Your Friendly Neighborhood Edu-Game-Bot

Results and Benefits?

Post-collaboration, the company saw a remarkable surge in efficiency with a significant reduction in inquiries directed at the legal team. The introduction of Ace ensured uniform and accurate responses to all employees. The gamified approach fostered a better understanding of intricate legal topics, and management benefited from real-time insights into the bot’s performance and utility.

Increased Efficiency

Employees now had an immediate and consistent source of information, allowing the legal team to focus on more pressing tasks.

Unified Responses

With Ace serving as the primary source of information, the company ensured that employees received consistent and accurate responses.

Enhanced Employee Knowledge

The gamified approach led to better retention and understanding of legal concepts among employees.

Real-Time Tracking

The integration with the legal CRM provided management with real-time insights into the bot's performance and effectiveness.

The technologies we used to build this product - Ace

Tensor Flow
React Native

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